We Know Family Law Matters

Experienced and Knowledgeable Family Law Attorneys

Whether it is an amicable uncontested matter that merely needs finalization by the courts, or a hotly contested or complicated affair involving complex financial holdings, arrangements involving children, or more, a Los Angeles divorce attorney at the firm is prepared to provide the comprehensive and competent legal representation you need.

We understand all of the nuances and factors that need to be analyzed, discussed, and resolved, whether in the Courtroom or outside it, to resolve your case as smoothly as possible.

Brett Berman
Ann M. Moder

We Deliver Real Family Law Solutions

Navigating through the legal process is taxing—both emotionally and financially. For this reason, our firm understands the importance of listening to our clients’ needs and then executing a legal strategy that best suits these needs.

Whether they are involved in an ugly custody battle or they are looking to obtain a fair settlement in regard to spousal support payments, the lawyers at our firm are well-equipped to resolve these issues in an efficient and timely manner.

Contact Us

Moder Berman LLP



301 N Canon Dr, Suite 300
Beverly Hills, 90210